
Консольный стол

Signore Degli Anelli Console

Консоль с 2-мя круглыми ножками. Структура - муранское стекло

    from  80 992 CZK Price is with a VAT
    Length400 mm
    Width1 500 mm
    Height740 mm
    3D models
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    We're working hard to deliver 3D models for every product but it takes time. Thank you for your understanding :)

    3D model request

    Click on the button bellow and request missing 3D model. We will create it for you in couple of days. And it's completely free :)

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    About Reflex brand

    Благодаря ценным урокам, извлеченным из традиции семейного стекольного завода, основанного в 40-х годах, промышленное стекло, столь очаровательное своей линейной необходимостью, обогащается и обогревается формами и цветами, которые, хотя и актуальны, всегда ссылаются на неисчерпаемое наследие Венецианское ремесло, обладающее интеллектом и творчеством, дающее жизнь уникальному в своем роде продукту.

    Эта компания, которая первой использовала массивное стекло Murano в качестве основы для своих столов, всегда отдавала предпочтение использованию высококачественных материалов, таких как стекло, мрамор, кованое железо и дерево, применяя новые контрасты и технологические процессы к ультрасовременный, с мастерством ремесла. Результатом является мебель, которая выражает идеальный синтез технологий, дизайна, исследований и традиций.

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    Biancade (TV), Italy

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    3D models for all products

    All products featured on aidda.cz have FREE 3D models available. If the 3D model is not attached to the product, please get in touch and we will send it to you. All 3D models are stored in our internal database.

    Vast choice

    Aidda.cz is offering products by more than 800 furniture manufacturers and we add more every day. If you do not find your favorite brand, please contact us and we will be happy to add it.

    Full service

    Based on your customer´s inquiry we will finish the order, handle all agenda with the manufacturer, order transport and handle all complaints as well.

    Loyalty program

    For professional users (architects and interior designers) we offer a generous loyalty program. More information is available in your account once you sign in. Please keep in mind your professional registration has to be approved first – you will be notified once your registration will have been approved.

    Team Aidda.cz

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    Now you can create your projects, add products and share your projects with clients. Also clients can register, create their own portfolio of chosen products and share it with you.

    Once you confirm the choice with your clients, send us the inquiry and we will handle everything else: we will contact your clients, finish the order, handle the whole agenda with manufacturer, transport and of course also possible complaints. Once the order has been finished and paid, you will receive bonus points.

    Loyalty program

    For professional users (architects and interior designers) we offer a generous loyalty program. From every order through aidda you will receive 7% bonus, more based on volume of your (your clients´) orders.

    Team Aidda.cz