Arte Casa
Casale di Scodosia, Italia
Il brand ARTECASA evolutionhome nasce dall´azienda artigiana Stella Giovanni and Figli snc che da quasi 40 anni opera nel settore del mobile realizzando prodotti in linea noc regole, standard e qualita del made in Italy. Le realizzazioni spaziano dallo stile contemporaneo a quello classico, sempre attenti alle esigenze dei propri Clienti e contemporaneamente seguendo le mode e le tendenze del mercato Italiano ed estero. L´ampia gamma di articoli permette di arredare noc gusto e qualitá qualsiasi ambiente: zona giorno, zona notte e studio e i vari complementi. Il nostro grande magazzino permette una pronta disponibilita di tutti gli articoli a catalogo noc svariate posibilita:dalle finiture classiche noce, ciliegio e gomma lacca ai laccati patinati o decorati foglia oro ed argento, fino alle finiture frassinate spazzolate. Abbiamo inoltre la posibilita di realizzare tante altre finiture. Il risultato e un mobile che acquista valore e diventa protagonista della casa, destinato a durare nel tempo mantenedno intatta la propria bellezza.
Products by Arte Casa
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3D models for all products
All products featured on aidda.cz have FREE 3D models available. If the 3D model is not attached to the product, please get in touch and we will send it to you. All 3D models are stored in our internal database.
Vast choice
Aidda.cz is offering products by more than 800 furniture manufacturers and we add more every day. If you do not find your favorite brand, please contact us and we will be happy to add it.
Full service
Based on your customer´s inquiry we will finish the order, handle all agenda with the manufacturer, order transport and handle all complaints as well.
Loyalty program
For professional users (architects and interior designers) we offer a generous loyalty program. More information is available in your account once you sign in. Please keep in mind your professional registration has to be approved first – you will be notified once your registration will have been approved.
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Once you confirm the choice with your clients, send us the inquiry and we will handle everything else: we will contact your clients, finish the order, handle the whole agenda with manufacturer, transport and of course also possible complaints. Once the order has been finished and paid, you will receive bonus points.
Loyalty program
For professional users (architects and interior designers) we offer a generous loyalty program. From every order through aidda you will receive 7% bonus, more based on volume of your (your clients´) orders.
Team Aidda.cz